The Gleaner


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t let mixed emotions take you down the wrong path. When in doubt, take a breather and review what’s transpired. Put your money and possessions in a safe spot, and question anything that sounds suspicious. Don’t count on others; initiate opportunities and follow through.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Keep communicating until you receive the information you want. Getting in touch with people from your past will be educational. Don’t hesitate to call or act on a gut feeling if an opportunity is within reach. A change will initiate stability and personal growth.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don’t gossip or explain your actions. Concentrate on what offers peace of mind and more time to spend with loved ones. An innovative idea will require discipline to make it work without overspending. Focus on earning and saving, not squandering.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Plan your actions and distribute information with a long-term plan. Know what you want, and you’ll decrease drama. Check in with people who offer constructive suggestions, and you’ll gain ammunition to deal with those trying to meddle with your plans.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Take a break and allow yourself to mull over anything you are considering pursuing. The information you receive isn’t likely to be exact. Don’t make decisions without finalising costs and anything else that needs to be corrected. Personal growth and home improvements are favoured.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Resist letting outside interference influence you. Keep your intentions to yourself and focus on what’s important to you. Make changes and actively participate in getting what you want. Networking will lead to helpful information and connections.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Determine the best route before beginning your journey. Use charm to gather information from a reliable source. Be ready to do your part, keep promises and reap the rewards, but don’t expect to get something for nothing.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): Keep close tabs on your investments and joint ventures. Ask questions, take notes and be prepared to adjust quickly when necessary. Hesitation will cause confusion and additional costs that can result in a missed opportunity. Size up situations and make your move.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Don’t lose sight of your goal; be direct, factual and do what’s right. Refuse to let your emotions get tangled up with revenge or allow anyone to put you in a vulnerable position. A positive attitude will help you reach your destination.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Make home improvements or alter your living arrangements to make your routine flow better. You’ll get more in return if you appreciate and accommodate others. Positive change begins with kindness and consideration. Don’t give up on someone when understanding is what’s necessary.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Refuse to get involved in other people’s drama or responsibilities. Offer suggestions, but go about your business. Don’t let anyone interject until you finish taking care of what you need to. You can resolve a money, legal or medical matter by getting information from the source.

PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Follow directions and rules, and you’ll avoid a run-in with authorities. Look for the most efficient and lucrative ways to use your skills, knowledge and experience. Someone who shares your interests will suggest an event that helps you blow off steam.





Gleaner Company